Meet Paul
Dr. Paul Babiak is an industrial and organizational psychologist and President of HRBackOffice, an executive coaching and consulting firm specializing in executive assessment, management development and succession planning ( Dr. Babiak coaches and consults with executives on managing integrity issues and problematic relationships with partners, colleagues and employees; he also trains executives on how to identify and manage the corporate psychopath. He has studied the impact of psychopathic employee behavior on business, and has published his findings on the role of personality and integrity on the organization in professional journals and books. His work has been featured in the New York Times, Washington Post, Harvard Business Review, Business 2.0, and Fast Company. He is the author, with Dr. Robert D. Hare, of the highly recommended business book Snakes In Suits: When Psychopaths Go To Work. Together, Babiak and Hare are developing an instrument for use in employee selection and succession planning entitled the B-Scan.